Frequent Questions
Many people who are new to acupuncture have common questions regarding the complemetary therapy of acupuncture.
Dr Shana Tam answers your most frequently asked questions.
How does acupuncture work?
Traditionally, acupuncture was believed to work by re-balancing the energy flowing through various ‘meridians’ in the body. Now, with the progression of science and technology, we know that our body’s nervous system is a key part of the response. Inserting needles into the skin stimulates many different nerve receptors within the skin and the underlying tissue. These signals are transmitted through the spinal cord to the brain which responds in several ways.
Acupuncture activates the the vagus nerve, promoting ‘vagal tone’, to calm down the sympathetic nervous system (which causes adrenaline levels to rise when we’re stressed or in pain).
Pain-relieving chemicals similar to endorphins get released, and blood flow is increased where the needles are inserted. There is also a ‘segmental’ response based on the how the deeper nerves in the body come to the surface and map out onto the skin. There are also numerous complicated cell chemistry changes.
Let’s just say, one needle activates many different systems in the body!
I am a regular blood donor. Can I still donate blood if I have acupuncture?
You should inform the blood transfusion centre that you have had acupuncture. There is no reason why you cannot donate blood as the risk of blood borne infections from acupuncture is negligible due to the use of single use disposable needles. Upon request, we can provide certificates of attendance for our clients.
Can I have acupuncture if I take blood-thinning medication such as warfarin or apixaban ?
With warfarin, as long as your INR is stable and within the therapeutic range for your condition, it is safe to have acupuncture . Please tell us your latest INR value when you attend.
This is not an issue if you take one of the newer medications that does not require regular blood test monitoring.
Will the treatment be painful?
The needles we use are very fine gauge, about the thickness of a strand of hair. Usually the client experiences a ‘ pushing sensation’, rather than any discomfort. We aim to make our treatments as enjoyable as possible.
I have a pacemaker. Can I have acupuncture?
Yes, it is safe to have acupuncture, but you CANNOT have a technique called electro-acupuncture applied to you.
Will having acupuncture interact with my regular medication?
Do I need to be referred by a Doctor?
No. You may consult us without a doctor’s referral.
How many treatments will I need?
Generally, four to six treatments are required to see a significant positive improvement in the treated condition.
Will my health insurance policy pay for my acupuncture treatment?
This depends on which insurance company you are covered by and the type of policy that you hold. Please contact us if you wish to discuss this further.
Can acupuncture help with fertility problems?
We take an in-depth history from our fertility clients, including a full systems review. These findings shape the treatment plan, as we seek to treat underlying issues that may be affecting the body’s natural ability to become pregnant.
We advise clients to have 6 acupuncture treatments, and this also applies to assisted fertility protocols such as IUI, IVF and ICSI, which is based on current evidence and our clients’ results.
Acupuncture has relaxant effect on the body’s physiology, and our clients report feeling calmer and better prepared during this time.